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follow this link back to Learn in Peace . Below you will find tonight's assignment.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Part 1 (Comprehension):  Your student has a short article (only 7 sentences long) titled What Are Germs?  Please have them read it and then answer 5 questions.  All of the questions can be answered by the 7 sentence article or the in the information box, “When Germs Make You Sick...” in the middle of the page.  It is IMPORTANT that your student be able to tell you WHY they answered each question the way that they did.  Please discuss this homework with your student and have them explain where they found each answer to each question.  Please let me know how it goes...
Part 2 (Check out the Class Website!):  I finally got the class website working.  It is a bit rough around the edges and I still have more to add but I am proud of it none the less!  Any child that has their parent send me an e-mail letting me know that they saw the website will get a treat tomorrow!  My e-mail address is  ... 
Part 3 (Minute Math):  Remember, Minute Math is completed at home Monday through Thursday  We will do Friday in class.  This is an EASY A!  Minute Math is graded like this:  your child gets 20 points per day that they work on minute math.  Thus, by Thursday they have 80 points.  They get 20 more points for doing Friday’s in class... 100 points!  A+ for just spending one minute on math! 
Part 4 (Mid-week round-up):  Do you have any questions, concerns, or comments?  How does your child feel about how things are going for him or her?  Is there ANYTHING I can do for your student to help them be successful?

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