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Monday, December 8, 2008

12/8/08 Finding the Nearest Ten

Part 1 (Daily Reading Homework): your child needs to read at least 20 minutes every night. Please record what they read, how long they read for and then initial it. Thanks!

Part 2 (Finding the Closest Ten): We are starting our math unit on adding two-digit numbers with regrouping. Wow! I need a lot of help from you, the families, with this one! Some students find this skill particularly difficult but I know all will be well if we all pull together! The first lesson of this unit is called “Finding the Closest Ten.” We are looking at number lines and deciding which increment of ten a number is closest to (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc.). The number 36 would be closer to 40 than 30 so we say that it is about 40. The number 32 is closer to 30 than 40 so we say about 30. I’ve taught the children that if the number has a 5 in the ones place to go up to the next ten (35 is about 40).  Please have your student finish the unfinished problems on Mathmat #8-1. For problem #13 they need to decide if 44. 47, 51, or 55 is about 50 (the answer is 51). Problem 17 is a journal problem and the kids need to use their own words to say which ten 63 is closest to. For example:
63 is about 60. I know it is because it is closer to 6o than to 70.

The key is having your child understand that they can round numbers to the nearest ten. Anything ending in 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 is rounded down to the ten below it and anything ending in 5,6,7,8, or 9 rounds up to the next ten.

I am also sending home a math mat called Adding Two Digit Numbers that does not have to be returned. On one side is a game that I highly recommend you play with your child, the other has vocabulary words, home activities, and mental math on it. Please go over it with your student and let me know how it goes.

Part 3 (Math): Drops in the Bucket Math: we are reviewing many of the math facts that we have learned to date: comparing numbers, patterns, adding and subtracting, how many in all, money, place value, time, and shapes.
When working on Drops in the Bucket with your student please constantly ask them to explain themselves to you. Say things like: “How do you know that?” and “Tell me why.” when they give you answers. On problem #3 the students are asked to do some double digit addition and subtraction. Check to see if your student starts in the ones place. There is regrouping in the first problem. Problem #9 deals with telling time. Many of the children don’t know how to tell time on a clock with a face yet. If this is still hard for your child read the face to them, “8:00” and then have them write the time on the digital clock. Please work with your child on telling time! Please let me know if you are starting to work with your child on telling time on an analog (face) clock and how it is going. Problem #8 involves adding 24 to 24... the 24 on the left is pretty straightforward but the 24 on the right is tricky: there are 14 cubes in the ones place there and 10 of them should be regrouped into the tens place.

Part 4 (Minute Math): Minute Math is a daily activity. It is not due until Friday.

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