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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11/5/08 Counting Money, Comprehension

Part 1 (Daily Reading Homework): your child needs to read at least 20 minutes every night. Below, please record what they read, how long they read for and then initial it. Thanks!

Part 2 (Reading Comprehension): One of the main focuses of our year has been reading comprehension. Simply reading a book, article, or passage isn’t enough. Readers need to be able to re-tell what they’ve read in their own words! Tonight your student is reading a passage about dollar coins. (Is there anyone out there that remembers when the Susan B coin came out? I sure do!) They need to answer 4 questions about the passage. Please discuss with your children why they are answering the way they are. If there are two good answers is one of them better than the other? Is your child able to tell you why he or she is giving the answers he or she gives?

Part 3 (Get Out Some Coins & Count Them): Please get out some coins and have your child  show off his or her money counting skills. We have a BIG math test next week. How is your child doing with counting money? How about skills that were covered earlier in the year? How about basic addition and subtraction skills? Below, please let me know what you are seeing in the home setting. We’re all in this together! How did the coin counting go?

Part 4 (Minute Math): Minute Math is a daily activity. It is not due until Friday.

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